We all have highs and lows in life. I had a really low passage that took me to my knees; complete with wallowing in pain and trying desperately to control things. But then something surprising happened; an acute awareness of feeling my feelings during the process offered me an unimaginable inner freedom.
I soon realized that the pain I was feeling wasn’t merely an emotion. The more I witnessed myself fully feeling and expressing painful feelings, the more I saw it creating a deeper connection with myself and others. This process held within it a gift of inner freedom that I didn’t know existed—the freedom of which ultimately expanded and enriched my overall experience of life.
It changed me; it really did. I saw life and people differently. And as time passed, I found myself inspired to help others find this freedom, too. I started by sharing my thoughts when others were in need, both verbally and in handmade greeting cards.
The response was immediate and heartwarming, as if my words put them in touch with something their soul had been urging them to experience. Then people began asking for guidance on how to find the courage to drop their walls of protection and fully connect with themselves and others.
From this, I saw clear as day, that there was a genuine desire in our world for more connection, yet people were oddly becoming more complacent and comfortable with being separate from one another. I saw unused moments of sincerity, vulnerability and truth that could have opened a heart, deepened an understanding or tightened a bond. Moments that were waiting to gift hearts with the freedom to feel and express themselves, making life both joyful and fulfilling.
All this inspired me to write the book, Soul Courage. A book that encourages and explores how to courageously embrace the parts of ourself that open the profound love and vulnerability sometimes needed to fully connect with ourselves and others.
Yet, it will take a certain amount of courage just to open the book and begin reading. You will need to have had enough with the way things are. Have you? You will need to be ready to watch your world open up. Are you?

The book, Soul Courage, offers a clearly articulated path to creating soul connection with yourself and others. This path has the potential to create some of the most enriching experiences in life, transforming the journey of self-awareness into one of soul-awareness; forever changing the way you view yourself and the world.